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The Call of Arunachala

A pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain in South India, the Heart of the world




The Invitation



Ocean of nectar, full of Grace,

Engulfing the universe in Thy Splendour!

O Arunachala, the Supreme Itself! Be Thou the Sun

And open the lotus of my heart in bliss!

~ Sri Ramana Maharshi 



This is a heart to heart invitation for those who long to come and be in the presence of our own Heart, Arunachala, the Holy mountain where Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the greatest spiritual Masters of India, spent almost his whole life. 

Sri Ramana Maharshi, out of deep love for Arunachala, was called to live at the feet of the Sacred Mountain, which he considers to be the Guru. An Ashram was built around him and is nowadays open to all of us to sit in His Presence.

We welcome you to a safe and conducive nest where we can be embedded in the Grace of Arunachala, offering a supportive and caring environment to rest and absorb what it truly means to be at the feet of Arunachala in its fullness.

The program is designed to take you to the core of what is being shared here, welcoming you to simply and naturally rest in the beauty and Stillness of our own Being.

We will infuse ourselves with numerous blessings: sitting with living masters, visiting temples and caves, Girivalam (pilgrimage around the mountain) and, of course, spending time in Sri Ramana Maharshi’s Ashram.


We’ll also support this journey by reading and immersing ourselves in the life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi in depth. In addition, we will sing Kirtan together (a profound practice of chanting mantras and sacred names), sing to Arunachala daily, spend days in noble silence, sit in meditation, practice Hatha Yoga, receive Ayurvedic massage and much more. 



All are very welcome.

In deep love,

Daniela Cruz and Ricardo Marticorena




We will be spending our days and nights right at the feet of Arunachala. Our blessed nest will be a quiet and beautiful ashram in nature, very close to the mountain, with a stunning view. A temple to host us in a simple yet eloquent and magic space full of peace.


We will stay in individual cottages with a private bathroom surrounding the temple, which will be the heart of our gatherings.





Citizens of most countries can simply apply online for an eVisa following this link:





We will get together online some days before arrival to consecrate the pilgrimage to Arunachala and connect with the pure intention (sankalpa). With this we will have a foretaste  of Arunachala, opening ourselves to the Blessings.


We will also use this meeting to connect with each other before arrival, make a brief introduction of the journey and solve any possible doubt.


Some days after our journey we will gather again online to support each other in the integration process.




You are most welcome to register to the pilgrimage using the following link and filling out the form.


You will receive an email with information for the transfer of the deposit.


In case you do not personally know us (Daniela or Ricky) we will have a video call with you to get to know each other.


After this, when your attendance is confirmed, you can book your flights and we can support you to arrange the transportation from the airport of arrival towards our accommodation in Arunachala.

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