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10 Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat - Christmas 2022

Thu, Dec 22


Mexico - Chiapas

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10 Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat - Christmas 2022
10 Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat - Christmas 2022

Time & Location

Dec 22, 2022, 6:00 PM – Jan 02, 2023, 9:00 AM

Mexico - Chiapas, carretera 190 tuxtla - san cristobal de las casas, San Nicolás km. 76, 29353 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chis., Mexico

About the event

The retreat was specifically created to guide people in coming to an intimate understanding of what Self-Enquiry meditation is in order to experience the inner transformation that it brings.

The program aims to create an experience resembling a Solitary Retreat (as in a cave), in order to provide the opportunity to reach Deep States of Consciousness, kindle intense Aspiration for the Divine, and arrive at the highly focused interiorization that enables the Opening of the Heart.

This method is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, and Dzogchen. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet harmoniously and merge into the same Ineffable Reality.No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginners and advanced meditators alike.

*We reserve the right to ask participants (before/after the deposit is paid) to have a call/video call with us and to cancel the booking (with full deposit refund) in case we consider that this particular person may not be ready for the retreat.

Price & Food & Accomodation  Course Fee - 350 USD  Meals (3/day per 10 days + dinner on the arrival day) - 195 USD  Accomodation per 11 nights:  Option #1: a single bed in dorm (bunk bed  - 2-4 pers. per room):  165 USD  Option #2: a single bed in a twin room with shared bathroom:  253 USD  Option #3: a single bed in a twin cabin with a private bathroom:  297 USD  Option #4: a single bed in a twin room with a private bathroom:  297 USD

Content  This retreat features Guided Meditations, Lectures, and Practical Tools including:  Ramana Maharshi’s Atma Vichara method of introspection (Who Am I?)    Techniques to still the mind using Breath Control  Study of the symbolism of the Spiritual Heart  Methods of passing from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness  Methods of Self-centering in daily life  A proper understanding of Advaita Vedanta fundamental tenets  Hatha Yoga sessions in a special spiritual style  Other Yogic Methods that approach the issue of the Spiritual Heart  Sacred Poetry  The four fundamental stages in the process of the revelation of the Spiritual Heart  Advice for maintaining awareness in the Spiritual Heart in the tradition of the Fathers of the Desert (from Christianity)  Daily special Meditations on themes connected with Self-revelation  The Christian method of the Prayer of the Heart

“I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.”  Rumi


The daily Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat schedule is split into two parts:

A morning session (07:00-13:00) and an afternoon/evening session (15:30-21:30).

07:00-09:00 Meditation:  Hridaya Meditation for the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart, Atman. This meditation will begin in smaller segments (for example, with short hourly breaks), building to one continuous, deep meditation session.

09:00-10:00 Breakfast.  Breakfast available in the Hridaya Yoga Center Dining Room at 09.15.

10:00-11:00 Relevant lecture teaching.

11:00-12:30 Hatha Yoga.  Practice of techniques, especially those that facilitate the revelation of the Spiritual Heart: a simultaneous (class-like) group practice.

12:30-13:00 Meditation.  The revelation of the Spiritual Heart.

13:00-15:30 Lunch and rest.  Lunch available in the Hridaya Yoga Dining Room.

15:30-18:00 Meditation.  This meditation will begin in smaller segments (for example, with short hourly breaks), building to one continuous, deep meditation session.

18:00-19:00 Dinner.  Dinner available in the Hridaya Yoga Dining Room from the 18.15.

19:00-20:00 Question and Answer Session.

20:00-21:30 Spiritual discourse lecture and final evening meditation.   (may go later depending on number of questions)

A single, gentle bell-ring will mark the end of each meditation or other period, and will signal a short break. A series of bell tones will indicate that the next meditation or other period will begin within two minutes and that it is time to take your seat and cease movement in the hall. A final, single bell will signal the start of a new session. Please do not enter the hall after the final bell has rung.

For further Info and Book your Retreat please contact us

“Knowing others is intelligence;  knowing yourself is true wisdom.   ― Lao Tzu  

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